Monday, August 11, 2008

If you want it, you gotto pay for it

If you would feel what I am going to say is silly, thats exactly the pathetic state I am about to discuss.

Piracy is one common thing in the world these days. It is so common that not many realize it is actually illegal. I am pretty sure you would not be shoplifting or picking pockets. Piracy is just as bad as these. So, you have now guessed what would follow ... some gyan like do not watch movies online, buy original music CDs and do not download songs illegally, do not crack software; only use originals, etc?? Not quite, but close ...

I just want to jot down what I do to help myself away from piracy:
  1. I listen to songs online or on radio or from somewhere. If I like the songs, I buy original CDs and then copy to my Ipod or whatever. But I BUY.
  2. I buy original software. I paid 5000 bucks for my OS on my laptop. I use only FREEWAREs like google products and affiliates - Firefox, Star Office, Thunderbird, etc. I do not even have the MS-Office, invariably pirated on most people's laptop/PCs.
  3. I do not watch movies online/download. I go only to theater or buy original DVDs of the classics I like very much. If I am outside India and happen to miss a movie because of that, I can take it. I am not going to die just for not watching a movie
I might still breach the law somewhere without my knowledge. But I am trying to get there - a honest life.

Even my good friends do not bother about piracy and stuff. Some give it a damn, most of them do not realize the seriousness. I see links to movie sites, passwords for software hacks etc on my friends' blogs. For some reasons, I get really flustered when I see these. And again, I am not asking anyone to change or anything. I already feel stupid for have posted this, and might feel stupider if I ask people to stop piracy. I just had to vent my disappointments out ... and no other place is better than my blog which people rarely vist (including me)


  1. Vinayak,

    I Do understand your point.When you have no one around you in an alien isolated you tend to look for some sort of entertainment.I did try watch movies like tat.

    Will try to reduce spreading piracy avoiding that. But changes do take time :)

  2. Ramya!

    Thanks for dropping by ...

    I have been away from mother India for 2 years. But did not watch any movies online. Watched English ones ... legally in theater.

    While there is no excuse for piracy :), its great that you are willing to try not spreading it!


  3. and no other place is better than my blog which people rarely vist (including me) -- Loved the sense of humor here.

    As one of those friends who posted a link to JTYJN in my blog and one who watched almost every 2007-2008 release in websites for free, I can tell u one thing. Sometimes, u get into conventional necessities :) To me movies are not a "I can live without it" part... Some ppl thrive on music, some on games, some on news and I thrive on movies to be frank. Somehow or the other I end up seeing 4 or 5 movies a week. So when I'm sure I'm going to miss a movie, when I know for sure that it has already been broadcast online, I feel that I'm not doing any additional harm watching it. And as u know if I'm in India, I haunt theaters and spend a few hundred bucks every month on movies including the really really useless ones...

    And regarding s/w piracy, u think windows is really worth 5000 bucks ;) :D
